Re: Manage-ovanie balikov na viacerych strojoch

To Debian CZ/SK project discussion list <czdebian-l zavinac debian bod cz>
From Peter Mann <Peter bod Mann zavinac tuke bod sk>
Date Tue, 4 May 2004 18:21:27 +0200
User-agent Mutt/

On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 06:14:30PM +0200, AntiTrust - AT wrote:
> >1. Xcem mat na strojoch identicke! baliky - ako na to?

Package: pkgsync
Description: automated package list synchronization
 pkgsync is a tool for keeping multiple machines reasonably similar and
 clean. Packages can either be in a `must be installed', `may be
 installed' or `must not be installed' list (which is presumed to be
 distributed separately using a tool such as rdist or cfengine). pkgsync
 will take care of meeting the demands put down in the lists, and then
 removing everything that is not in the `must' or `may' list and is not
 necessary for their operations (as determined by aptitude).

> >dpkg --get/set-selection mi nepomozu?
> >Ak ano, ako?
> >(ako mu vnutit set selection?)
> >Co potom spustit
> >apt-get upgrade alebo install -f  alebo co?

dpkg --get-selections > zoznam1
dpkg --set-selections < zoznam1


5o   Peter.Mann at
     KLFMANiK ICQ 12491471

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