
To czdebian-l zavinac debian bod cz
From nafik zavinac nafik bod cz
Date Mon, 2 Apr 2007 10:54:40 +0200 (CEST)
Importance Normal
User-agent SquirrelMail/1.4.8

Dobry den,
dle navodu na jsem si
nainstaloval pro muj etch beryla. Vse probehlo korektne, ovladace NVIDIA
mam taktez nainstalovane korektne. Kamenem urazu nastava pokus o spusteni
berylu. Pouzivam nyni GNOME a GDM.
Pokud v gnome-xterm napisu "beryl-manager", tak mi to vyhodi nejakou
zpravu "sh: Command not found: glxinfo" - nebo neco podobneho, restartuje
X server a spusti GDM.
Pokud dam spustit jen "beryl", tak to udela takovyto vypis:
* Beryl system compatiblity check                            *

Detected xserver                                : NVIDIA

Checking Display :0.0 ...

Checking for XComposite extension               : passed (v0.3)
Checking for XDamage extension                  : passed
Checking for RandR extension                    : passed
Checking for XSync extension                    : passed

Checking Screen 0 ...

Checking for GLX_SGIX_fbconfig                  : passed
Checking for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap        : passed
Checking for non power of two texture support   : passed
Checking maximum texture size                   : passed (4096x4096)

...restartuje X server a opet spusti GDM. V obou pripadech po naslednem
prihlaseni do GNOME mi neprijde, ze by byl beryl aktivni. Zadne nove
efektove zmeny.

S diky
Pavel Rehak

Partial thread listing: